Thatched cottages, glimmering Cotswold stone and a fantastic pub are key ingredients to a picture-perfect country village and Minster Lovell delivers all three. Tucked amongst the quaint streets is Lovell Cottage with its picturesque frame of roses and wisteria. Beautifully finished the cottage is a gorgeous retreat with a central woodburning stove, two sitting areas and a spacious garden. A fantastic pub is a mere 2 minutes’ walk if you fancy a night off from cooking and three bedrooms, one of which is conveniently on the ground floor, await on your return. Scenic walks lead from your front door allowing you to explore the English Heritage’s Hall and Dovecote, popular Burford and Jeremy Clarkson’s Farmer’s Dog are very close by and within reach are Witney, Oxford and Blenheim Palace at Woodstock.