What made you choose this particular lodge?
Privacy and no pets
What made you choose this particular lodge?
Combination of hot tub and wood burner, whilst having a door on the bedroom as we like to sleep in a cool room
What made you choose this particular lodge?
Ideal for Couples
What made you choose this particular lodge?
The size of the lodge and the location in the park.
What made you choose this particular lodge?
Location of where we needed to be
What made you choose this particular lodge?
Facilities, including a bedroom with a door and the hot tub.
What made you choose this particular lodge?
Having hot tub and in private location
What made you choose this particular lodge?
Looking through all the lodges, the Orchard looked like it had the most privacy
What made you choose this particular lodge?
Wood burner, wanted a dog free lodge due to allergies, facing the sunny side (W)
What made you choose this particular lodge?
What made you choose this particular lodge?
Facilities, including a bedroom with a door and the hot tub.
What made you choose this particular lodge?
Second visit
What made you choose this particular lodge?
Twinkling lights and a covered area, ideal in February!
What made you choose this particular lodge?
What made you choose this particular lodge?
We loved the look of this particular lodge for us just 2 people with the open plan living and a gorgeous bathroom it looked perfect for us.
What made you choose this particular lodge?
Size - enough room to entertain our family who live locally.
What made you choose this particular lodge?
We’ve been before and it has both privacy and great features
What made you choose this particular lodge?
The description on the website
What made you choose this particular lodge?
Looked fantastic with good reviews