What made you choose this particular lodge?
Dog Friendly option - have stayed in this lodge before.
What made you choose this particular lodge?
it was Dog friendly
What made you choose this particular lodge?
It was the only one available at the time x
What made you choose this particular lodge?
Dog friendly
What made you choose this particular lodge?
Hire tube and bbq were in the wish list for a family break
What made you choose this particular lodge?
Lounge kitchen layout and dog- but would not choose again due to uncomfortable mattress on double bed
What made you choose this particular lodge?
The facilities and being dog friendly
What made you choose this particular lodge?
As it's dog friendly
What made you choose this particular lodge?
The lodge we chose had issues with the boiler so booking was changed to the lodge
What made you choose this particular lodge?
Dog friendly .
What made you choose this particular lodge?
Recommended by family member
What made you choose this particular lodge?
Internet search
What made you choose this particular lodge?
Stayed before